Management system


Integrated management system policy

Tren a las Nubes SFTSE is a State Company of the Province of Salta that has an Integrated Quality Management System, Environmental Management Guidelines for Tourist Suppliers and Operational Safety according to CNRT Resolution 170/18, appropriate to the context of the organization and aligned with the strategic direction.

Our scope in the implementation process includes:

  • Planning, development and marketing of the “Train to the Clouds” tourist service.
    By virtue of this, we assume the following commitments:
  • Increase the satisfaction of our internal and external customers.
  • Comply with the client’s requirements, applicable legal requirements and those that the organization subscribes to.
  • Continuously improve the management and performance of our integrated management system.
  • Protect the environment and prevent pollution by making sustainable use of resources.
  • Promote the participation and consultation of personnel in the integrated management system.
  • Promote actions of Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
  • Manage safety through a continuous process of hazard identification and risk management.
  • In our actions, the fulfillment and integration of these commitments is the responsibility of all of us who work in the Company.

Train to the Clouds SFTSE.

WhatsApp Atención Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 20 hs y Sábados de 9 a 15 hs.