


Commercial tourist operation of the interurban passenger service called “Tren a las Nubes” in the sector corresponding to the Salta-Viaduct section of the Polvorilla branch of the C-14 Salta-Socompa corridor, including all other complementary and subsidiary tourist-commercial activities related to the tourist railway service mentioned above.
It is included within the object of the society the tourist-commercial exploitation of any other railway tourist service that could be provided under the same rail route or in another trace included within the existing railway infrastructure in the province of Salta including in this case all the other complementary and subsidiary tourist-commercial activities linked to the rail service.
In all cases, the Company must sign an agreement with public or private bodies or companies with specific competence in the matter that will ensure the operation and guarantee the operation of the rail transport service in the aforementioned branches.
Likewise, the Company may carry out by itself or by third parties, through the conclusion of agreements, the attention, incorporation and maintenance of rolling stock, equipment and infrastructure and all other complementary and subsidiary activities linked to the tourist rail service, which may carry out the construction of facilities, detours and / or complementary tasks linked to the existing railway infrastructure.

WhatsApp Atención Lunes a Viernes de 8 a 20 hs y Sábados de 9 a 15 hs.