

I lived the culture of the puna

Find out more about the activities you can do in San Antonio de los Cobres! 


The artisan market

It is the cultural center of the town, the right place to acquire authentic handicrafts from the puna, you will see women weaving, spinning or doing the weaving on a loom. Handicrafts are one of the heritage that is still preserved and therefore we invite you to help us to preserve it, acquiring products from the hand of its artisans.

Anatolio walk and its llamas

An authentic walk where Anatolio invites you to visit his house where he raises his llamas, shares his daily life as a shepherd of the puna and tells you about the customs of yesteryear that he still keeps with his family and his llamas.


Thuru maki ride (hands of clay)

You can interpret the elaboration of crafts in utilitarian and decorative ceramics, its members invite you to make your own handicrafts and so relive this custom that is transmitted from generation to generation. The workshop is open Monday through Saturday from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and is located on Pellegrino street next to the Bank.

San Antonio de Padua church

Built with adobe and face of volcanic rock carved by hand, inside you can see the altar, the baptismal font, the tabernacle and the cross of onyx. There is also the image of San Antonio de Padua who is the Patron of the town, whose party is the busiest and is held every June 13 where pilgrims arrive from all parts of the municipality, making a unique event characterized by the fervent demonstrations of the settlers, the music of the sikus and the dances of the suri.


Regional Andean Museum of San Antonio de los Cobres

The Andean Regional Museum preserves and disseminates the history and customs of the people of the Puna.

Their beliefs, arts and knowledge are shared and protected in this way. This was understood by many locals, who donated part of the objects that are exhibited today in the Museum so that tourists can know and enjoy.

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